Services March 2025
Owing to the temporary closure of the Chapel of St Peter ad Vincula for upgrading and repairs, for some four months from January 2025 Sunday worship will be moved to the Chapel of St John the Evangelist in the White Tower. Please note that access is via several flights of stairs. Every week there will be a single service of said Holy Communion at 0930. Entrance to the Tower will be by the Middle Drawbridge from 0900.
23rd March - The Third Sunday in Lent
0930 Said Holy Communion
Chapel of St John the Evangelist, White Tower
Readings: Ephesians 5:1-14 and Luke 11:14-28
30th March - The Fourth Sunday in Lent and Mothering Sunday
0930 Said Holy Communion
Chapel of St John the Evangelist, White Tower
Readings: tbc
All are welcome to attend our services but please note that for certain major services, in particular the Christmas Carol Service, admission is by ticket issued in advance and/or by named lists, so anyone arriving without a ticket or whose name is not on a list for one of these popular services is likely to be refused admission. The reason is that Chapel of St Peter ad Vincula seats only 180 - fewer than many parish churches - and there is simply not room for as many as would like to attend some popular services. Please check, at the latest by the preceding Friday, with the Chapel Admininistrator to avoid disappointment. Thank you for your understanding.
Please also note that events such as the London Marathon or Bike Ride create difficulties for getting to the Tower, so you should allow extra time for your journey.