Services July-October 2024

Services July-October 2024

All are welcome to attend these services*.
All services are in the Chapel of St Peter ad Vincula unless otherwise indicated*.
There are no services during August or on the Sundays immediately following Christmas and Easter. 


7th July – 6th Sunday after Trinity
0915 Holy Communion Chapel of St John the Evangelist, White Tower 
1100 Choral Matins
Responses: Tallis
Psalm 48

Benedictus: Byrd (Short Service) 
Anthem: Ibant Apostoli (Guerrero)
Readings: 2 Samuel 5:1-5 &9-10 and Mark 6:1-13
Hymns: 234 (2nd tune) 367 (2nd tune) 424
Voluntary: Andante from Sonata No. 4, BWV528 (Bach)


14th July – 7th Sunday after Trinity
0915 Holy Communion 
1100 Choral Matins 
Responses: Morley
Psalm 24
Te Deum (Gibbons 2nd Service)
Anthem: Almighty and Everlasting God (Gibbons)
Readings: 2 Samuel 6:1-5 & 12b-19 and Mark 6:14-29
Hymns: 437, 394, 445
Voluntary: Fantasia of Four Parts (Gibbons)


 17th July 
1830 Patronal Festival
Responses: Rose
Psalm 47
St Paul’s Service (Howells)
Anthem: Evening Hymn (Balfour Gardiner)
Readings Acts 12: 1-12 and Matthew 16: 13-19
Voluntary: Finale from Symphony No. 1 (Vierne)


21st July – 8th Sunday after Trinity
0915 Holy Communion
1100 Holy Communion
Darke in E
Motet: Let all mortal flesh (Bairstow)     
Readings: Romans 8:12-17 and Matthew 7:15-21
Hymns: 351, 357, 385, 310
Voluntary: Canzona (Whitlock)

No services until

8th September - 15th Sunday after Trinity
0915 Holy Communion
  Chapel of St John the Evangelist, White Tower
1100 Choral Matins
Responses: Radcliffe

Psalm 125
Te Deum: Holst
Anthem: O Lord, our Governour (Willan)
Readings: Proverbs 22:1-2 & 8-9  and Mark 7:24-end
Hymns: 232, 374, 391
Voluntary: Fugue in F major, BWV 540 (Bach)


15th September - 16th Sunday after Trinity
0915 Holy Communion
1100 Choral Matins
Responses: Ayleward
Psalm 19:1-6
Te Deum: Gibbons (Short Service)
Anthem: Tu es Petrus (Palestrina)
Readings: Proverbs 1:20-33 and Mark 8: 27-end
Hymns: 439, 500, 393
Voluntary: Variations on Mein junges leben hat ein End (Sweelinck)


22nd September – 17th Sunday after Trinity
0915 Holy Communion
1100 Choral Matins
Responses: Smith
Psalm 1
Te Deum: Stanford in C
Anthem: Beati quorum via (Stanford)
Readings Proverbs 31:10-end and Mark 9:30-37
Hymns: 473, 265, 408
Voluntary: Prelude and Fugue in C major (Stanford)


29th September – 18th Sunday after Trinity - Feast of St Michael and All Angels
0915 Holy Communion 
1100 Holy Communion
Mass in E-flat (Rheinberger)
Motet: Factum est silentium (Praetorius)
Readings: Revelation 12:7-12 and John 1:47-end or Matthew 18:1-10
Hymns: 231, 298, 271, 381
Voluntary: Paean (Howells)


6th October – 19th Sunday after Trinity - Harvest Festival
0915 Holy Communion Chapel of St John the Evangelist, White Tower 
1100 Choral Matins 
Responses: Neary
Psalm 150
Te Deum: Mozart
Anthem: The heavens declare the glory of God (Boyce)
Readings Deuteronomy 26:1-11 John 4:31-38
Hymns: 427, 260, 262
Voluntary: Follow Up (Muhly)


13th October - 20th Sunday after Trinity
0915 Holy Communion
1100 Choral Matins
Responses: Holmes
Psalm 22:1-15
Benedictus: Harwood in A-flat
Anthem: Thou hast been our refuge (Walker)
Readings: Job 23:1-9,16-end and Mark 10:17-31
Hymns: 397, 490, 366
Voluntary: Adagio (Bridge)


20th October – 21st Sunday after Trinity
0915 Holy Communion 
1100 Choral Matins
Responses: Leighton
Psalm 104:1-10
Jubilate: Leighton
Anthem: O Lord, give thy holy spirit (Tallis)
Readings Job 38:1-7 (34-end) and Mark 10:35-45
Hymns: 452, 385, 374

Voluntary: Hymne au soleil (Vierne)


27th October - 22nd Sunday after Trinity
0915 Holy Communion
1100 Holy Communion
Messe cum Jubilo (Duruflé)
Motet: Tantum ergo (Duruflé)
Readings Philippians 1:3-11 and Matthew 18:21-end
Hymns: 439, 337, 372

Voluntary: Fugue sur le nom d'Alain


*All are welcome to attend our services but please note that for certain major services, in particular the Christmas Carol Service, admission is by ticket issued in advance and/or by named lists, so anyone arriving without a ticket or whose name is not on a list for one of these popular services is likely to be refused admission. The reason is that Chapel of St Peter ad Vincula seats only 180 - fewer than many parish churches - and there is simply not room for as many as would like to attend some popular services.  Please check, at the latest by the preceding Friday, with the Chapel Admininistrator to avoid disappointment.  Thank you for your understanding.

**Please also note that events such as the London Marathon or Bike Ride create difficulties for getting to the Tower, so you should allow extra time for your journey.

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